Why Do We Marry?

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Why do we marry? And how do the best marriages work? Social psychology professor and relationship scientist, Eli Finkel, explains the history of how marriages have changed over time, what we look for in modern marriages, and how a drop in other significant relationships in our lives has put a huge pressure on our spouses and marriages. This episode is part of a longer conversation that Esther and Eli had on her membership platform Sessions, where Esther hosts conversations with colleagues in and around the mental health space. For more Eli Finkel: https://elifinkel.com/allornothingmarriage.

This episode from Esther is only available on Apple Podcasts for subscribers. On her Office Hours from Apple you can listen ad free, hear follow-up conversations with Esther's guests months after their sessions, and hear Esther in conversation with some of today's brightest minds. Visit https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/where-should-we-begin-with-esther-perel/id1237931798 to subscribe and join in on the conversation.

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